Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fun With Cousin

We were taking silly pictures at the Spectrum. After naps, we went to Grandma's house to have a birthday party for my cousin, Eliza. It was really really fun. Robert gave me a monkey bite. That part was not fun. It doesn't hurt though. We showed them the Rob Biagi video, and the Officer Paul dance from The Great Christmas Giveaway. And we ate delicious ice cream and cake and cake.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Me and Mickey Mouse

My First Post

Welcome to my blog. I plan on putting videos on, and pictures, and a few stories. Here's one of the stories.

One day I was doing a concert, and me and my brother were having so much fun. Then it was time for lunch. And we were sad because Daddy was doing Shred and we missed out. After lunch, we took a nap, and after a nap, we rode our bikes and we read a few books, and then we finally got to do Shred. The end.